cuisine curry rampon from aceh

rampon cuisine curry dish is typical of nagro Aceh, Indonesia. material substance that must be prepared to make a curry rampon is:
1 / 2 bunch sliced cassava leaf-slices according to the taste, half a bunch cassava leaves, 1 / 2 bunch spinach leaves, leaf melinjo 25 g, 25 g fruit melinjo, 150 g shrimp, 6 pieces of red onion finely sliced, green pepper 8 pieces finely sliced, 10 whole fruit chili sauce, 5 fruit gelugur acid, 5 fruit wuluh star fruit, tomato young fruit 1, 2 tablespoon salt, and 1500 cc coconut milk.
how to create:
1. heat oil, enter the red onion, green chillies until fragrant. enter the shrimp and cook until the color changed.
2. enter the milk, sour chili sauce enter gelugur, wuluh star fruit, tomato and salt, cook until boiling.
3. enter cassava leaves, cassava leaves, melinjo leaves, and fruit melinjo. cook until cooked.
4. lift and serve warm

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